- Pin-fired grenade. Ideal use in military training, paintball or ASG.
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KIT - 20 x HUKOWLING GRANATES - pin - GH-2 - B&G
Flash-bang grenade. Red label indicates stronger bang mix with weaker flash. Due to the high power it is not recommended to use indoors. For such an application we recommend the blue grenade gh-2, with a weaker bang mix but more flash.
The product is most commonly used as:
Militaria, Paintball, ASG - reddit
Recording the effect of the product:
User Manual:
Delay of 4-6 seconds. Safety zone min. 5 meters, 135 dB. A flash-bang grenade is a pyrotechnic product used for battlefield simulation. It is designed for lovers of paramilitary sports and games (paintball, ASG), for training, reconstruction, etc. The product is characterized by an easy and fast way of firing, using an igniter initiated by pulling the pin, without the use of open flame. Holding the product in the lower part of the body (where the sticker is glued), with the fingers of the other hand grab the wheel of the ignition unit. With a vigorous but not too violent movement, pull along the axis of the product until the entire ignition assembly is pulled in from the body. Discard the product immediately towards the target. NOTE: After firing, do not hold in your hand, longer than necessary to discard the grenade (max. 1.5 sec.). Do not transfer to the other hand. Do not throw directly at other game participants. Do not pick up a fired grenade and do not throw it away (unearth it). In case of an unexploded grenade, do not approach the grenade before 3 minutes have elapsed. Do not apply to unprejudiced and unprotected persons (mask, protective clothing), animals and in the presence of flammable substances and objects. Do not rework or disassemble the product.